We name destinations where a person may have been arrested or incarcerated and then search that destinations zip code at case study answer state or county courthouse to verify case study solution counsel and spot what happened after case study solution arrest. The result?We find over 20% more hits using Locator Select!When combined with case study answer National Criminal Database, case study solution ensuing search closes many gaps. A Nationwide Criminal History search uses case study answer full name and date of birth provided by case study solution volunteer during case study answer order process to search over 900 crook suggestions data assets from all 50 states. Although this sounds finished, case study answer pleasant and breadth of information varies by state, and is proscribed for over 2/3 of case study answer nations states defined by limited data resources or stale suggestions updated infrequently. At Verified Volunteers, we respect case study answer limitations of this search. Still, its a helpful locator tool that helps us identify areas outside of address historical past where criminal history might have occurred areas where case study solution volunteer has worked, travelled or played.