On a typical hazy day in Mexicali, case study answer soot from factories mixes with dust swirling from unpaved roads and columns of smoke rising from trash heaps. The dirty air floats across case study solution border fence and during case study solution city of Calexico, where residents say its frustrating living beside a city where pollution isnt with ease regulated. Everything they cant do here, they do it on that side, said Marco Cisneros, a truck driver in Calexico whose son suffers from asthma. John Hernandez, a Brawley resident who voices concerns about pollutants on either side of case study solution border, said he thinks theres little question U. S. agencies have set up plants in Mexicali in part to take expertise of less stringent pollution controls. You can use commas as a part of that, too. There are so many language tricks you use to appease people. For nearly all people, even though, making sure that contracts are unambiguous is important. For that reason, its essential to check contract language to breaking point by giving it to someone who will test its limits a person who will read it in case study answer most awkward, unhelpful way, says Tiffany Kemp, a commercial contracting instructor for case study solution International Association for Contract and Commercial Management. One of case study answer biggest cases battled over a comma was a dispute between two Canadian telecommunications agencies. Rogers Communications and Bell Aliant fought a legal battle worth CAD$1m $760,000 over a contract to replace utility poles across case study answer country.