Fungal nail disease: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. July 2011. Syed TA, Qureshi ZA, Ali SM, Ahmad S, Ahmad SA. Treatment of toenail onychomycosis with 2% butenafine and 5% Melaleuca alternifolia tea tree oil in cream. Trop Med Int Health. 1999 Apr;44:284 7. 1. Invitation Homes receives a 4. 3 out of 5 from its tenants in internal surveys, case study answer company said, adding that its business model is dependent upon retaining people happy in order that theyll stay in their home, decreasing turnover. Tuomi told me that as Invitation acquires more homes, it adds employees, stimulating local economies. In May, Young, Invitations chief operating officer, took me on a tour of a few of its empty rental houses in case study solution Sacramento suburb of Roseville. They were on quiet suburban streets, and that they had wall to wall carpeting, evenly painted white walls, and spacious backyards. “However, case study answer consequences of CLW’s subsequent undercover research of Catcher . suggests that Apple and Catcher have done little to be sure that safety criteria and other conditions have better for Catcher’s workers,” China Labor Watch said. “In fact, case study solution investigator going into case study answer factory in 2014 discovered a large number of extra violations that weren’t found in 2013, in addition to repeat violations from year to year, suggesting that situations may in reality be getting worse in case study answer manufacturing unit. ” case study answer issues present in Suqian in August included locked safety exits, a loss of safety education, hiring discrimination, extreme hours for workers, and forced extra time. China Labor Watch estimates each worker works six hours of unpaid additional time per 30 days, leading to roughly $290,000 in owed wages for all employees. The group also found “enormous” amounts of aluminum magnesium alloy shreddings on case study answer floor and dirt particles in case study solution air which pose a health and fire safety risk.