, Tunkhannock; 570 836 4976. Js Pizzeria: Wednesday Thursday and Saturday 11 8, Friday 11 9, and Sunday noon 7; 1088 Route 307, Factoryville; 570 378 2020. Meshoppen Pizza: Wednesday Thursday 11 7, Friday Saturday 11 7:30, and Sunday noon 7; 8160 Route 6, Meshoppen; 570 833 4990. Pesos Pizza and Southwest Grill: Tuesday Thursday 10 9, Friday Saturday 10 10; delivery available; 39 E. Tioga St. , Tunkhannock; 570 836 6300. One of their concepts is to substitute public transportation an ambition that impacts anyone and case study solution atmosphere, not just passengers and drivers. Uber and Lyft were clear about their intentions. At Ubers apex of candor, in files filed with case study answer Securities and Exchange Commission, it identifies a large market chance in case study answer expected 4. 4 trillion miles traveled by people on public transit in 175 nations in 2017. A component of our trips can be a substitute for public transportation, case study answer company said in case study solution filing. Uber keeps to closely subsidize per ride costs and pursue a vision of transit by which it provides a wheeled conveyance for every event, distance and duration ride hailing cars, vans, scooters, bikes and, eventually, self driving automobiles.