But Apples engineers refused to change, and case study solution companys relationship with its star personnel broken its capability to reply to market changes. Example: Polaroid placed very high value on cutting edge researchto case study solution point of defining itself by that analysis. Eventually, that value turned into dogmatic disdain for marketing, finance, and even purchaser preferences. The companys single mindedness nearly destroyed it. One of case study answer most typical enterprise phenomena also is one of case study answer most difficult: when successful businesses face big changes in their environment, they regularly fail to respond conveniently. Unable to defend themselves against competitors armed with new items, applied sciences, or options, they watch their sales and earnings erode, their best people leave, and their stock valuations tumble. A peaking station may show consistent daily to weekly styles of discharge throughout case study answer year in preference to case study answer strong seasonal sample that may be shown for base load carriers, and dependent on case study solution scale of case study answer scheme inter annual variability may be low. Downstream consequences on water excellent rely on case study solution storage configuration and offtake depth. If case study answer garage is deep and stratifies and case study answer offtake is low, case study solution downstream atmosphere may event common temperature and dissolved oxygen fluctuations totally during case study answer summer period, with case study solution power station injecting cold water from deep in case study answer reservoir into case study solution warmer waters of case study answer receiving environment. In circumstances where there are downstream pollution resources draining into case study solution river system, peaking power station discharges may cause pulses of polluted water downstream instead of a usual dilution effect when working to satisfy baseload demand. Downstream consequences on case study solution fluvial geomorphology and dominant geomorphic approaches differ if an influence station is operating to fulfill base versus peak demand. Major issues with any hydro operations are with case study solution reduced sediment supply to case study answer downstream environment and case study answer erosive capabilities of continuous larger than natural baseflows for baseload operations.