Blogs and other consumer generated media CGMAnother word for social media or content material produced by end users as opposed to businesses. are on occasion referred to as citizen journalism. The reach and affect of CGM means that press releases are sometimes finding their way to case study answer in boxes of content material creators. While many journalists are getting disenchanted with case study answer normal press release format, case study answer press unlock can be seen as overhyped company speak by time starved and transparency concentrated bloggers. Pitching to bloggers could be a sensitive task, and there are some checklist outlined in this chapter, but PR firms such as Edelman and Shift Communications have created templates for a social media press unencumber SMPR designed to communicate facts more clearly and concisely and to use case study solution tools provided by social mediaMedia that are published, created, and shared by people on case study answer Internet, such as blogs, images, video, and more. This is case study solution final result of an evolving conversation among PR companies, newshounds, and bloggers. It is precisely this sort of loan that our law makers try to eliminate via legislation. The new mortgage bill being bounced around has real remedies for irresponsible lending. Meaning, if a bank loans you money and it can be proven in court lawyers like this law by case study solution way that case study answer bank was irresponsible in doing so that they may be penalized. The definition of irresponsible is did case study answer borrower have case study solution means to repay case study answer loan, meaning did they prove enough income. This bill will kill stated income loans, period. So where does this leave case study answer responsible self employed borrowers who needed these loans to live and operate their businesses?This leaves them with higher taxes.